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Outstanding Leaders in KM-Director Park Seong-il, Top Expert in Iris Genetic Constitutional Medicine Treatment

“If you know the physical constitution of a body, you can foresee diseases. That is, through iris diagnosis, genetic constitution treatments can treat the diseases in internal organs and restore the constitutional balance of the physical body to an optimal state.”
This is a quote by clinic director Park Seong-il, authority on iris genetic constitutional medicine.

Director of the eponymous clinic (Park Seong-il Korean Medicine Clinic), he is also adjunct professor in the Kyung Hee University College of Korean Medicine and acts as chairman of the The Korean society of iris genetic constitutional medicine while actively sharing his treatment techniques with the world. 

What is iris genetic constitutional medicine?
It is actually quite simple to examine and reach an iris diagnosis, but actually much pertinent information about the physical condition of a patient can be gleaned from it, including hereditary weaknesses and imbalances, general state of health, current physio and pathological states, and toxicity accumulation levels. With this knowledge in hand, it is possible to re-evaluate existing traditional treatments and Western chemical, medicinal or surgical treatments. Suppose that a patient presented many symptoms of a physical ailment, but the iris is in good health. This might indicate that a few lifestyle changes and emotional support could be enough to overcome the symptoms. In contrast, a patient might not exhibit any symptoms of a disease but the iris tissue indicates hereditary weaknesses. In this case, we have to pay more attention to these issues with these patients. Like this, a simple iris diagnosis is a way to observe genetic flaws and constitutional trademarks of diseases, which makes for more innovative and precise treatment.That’s why it is not just an iris diagnosis, but iris genetic constitutional medicine.

Why do you research about irides and genetic constitution?
We can differentiate Korean Medicine from Chinese traditional medicine by two schools of thought: that of the sixteenth century Heo Jun and that of nineteenth century Lee Je-ma. In particular, in the medical world, Lee Je-ma’s Sasang constitutional medicine is
considered a critical starting point for constitutional medicine and genetic medicine. Used even to today, the invention of penicillin in Western traditional medicine became a base for curing contagious and infectious diseases, prompting the growth and development of surgical procedures. Comparatively speaking, the focus in Korean Medicine was on internal diseases. The thought was that hereditary weaknesses spurred actual incidence of diseases,which means that Korean Medicine doctors concentrated on locating causes of diseases within the patient’s body. A vast number of drugs and clinical trials exist to discover the best treatments for chronic diseases, immune diseases, geriatric diseases and other diseases that are difficult to be treated in modern times. Recently in America, there is a lot of attention being paid to functional medicine, personalized medicine, and precision medicine to treat chronic diseasesand degenerative geriatric diseases that have proved difficult to cure via surgery and symptomatic treatments. We have realized that individual constitutional make-up of a patient calls for different treatment and drugs. This is actually the medical theory that Lee Je-ma advocated over 120 years ago. That said, Korean constitutional medicine might have had the most outstanding treatment methods and prescription drugs, but there was no clear or objective classification system for constitutional body types. With more interest growing in diagnosis by constitutional class, I naturally encountered iridology, which is a genetic-based diagnosis from Europe that was developed over 100 years ago. It was really exciting to see how Korean Sasang constitutional medicine was able to find a solution in European traditional medicine. 

Iridology is a method deriving from Western medicine to analyze diseases. How did this come to be applied in Korean Medicine?
Iridology is the observation of the iris tissue, which is an extension of the midbrain that forms during fetal development.In essence it is the only exposed brain nerve tissue in our bodies. Just like we can discern DNA information from the iris, we can also detect genetic flaws. In fact, information about the position of each segment of the spine appears in the iris. It forms an iris map. This means that it is where we can spot genetically weak structures. And the autonomic nerve wreath (ANW) which observes the balance of the autonomic nerve system is also in the iris. A diagnosis of an imbalance of the hereditary automatic nerve system is analogous to analyze an imbalance of Yin and Yang in Korean Medicine. The motto of iridology is, “The iris is where you can find where the weakest hereditary places in the body are.” Korean Medicine is based on the Siljeung(excess syndrome) and heojeung(deficiency syndrome) theory of pathology, and through examining weak iris tissue, we came to understand the heojeung theory of pathology.

If patients are living in different places and of different ethnicities, can they still be treated by Korean Medicine according to their physical constitution?
In the tropics of Southeast Asia, the outside temperature is very high, so the body adjusts by keeping a cool internal constitution. These cool body types are susceptible to diseases. For people of this body type, heat-inducing medicine like ginseng acts as a miracle cure-all for everything from headaches, to circulation issues and digestive issues. On the other hand, people from Northern Europe, for example, tend to have hot types in order to cope with the frigid temperatures outside. We see many cases of inflammation in these body types. And if these patients take ginseng, they will have a lot of negative side effects, as opposed to the positive effect it has on cool body types. Rather, these hot body types are much better off taking goji berry to assist the urinary system where lymph glands are inflamed. Then there are people from dry climates such as the Middle East, where much of the population is obese. The outside environment is extremely dry, so the body tends to overcompensate by retaining too much moisture. Since there is an excess of moisture inside the body, it is advisable for these patients to supplement with mahwang(Herba Ephedrae). In contrast, there are those who are from tropical rainforest climates with high humidity levels, and their bodies try to stay dry, thus producing smaller and more slender body frames. Due to this combination, the likelihood that liver and gall bladder weakens is high, so they should steer clear of oily foods and go for fruits, vegetables, and fish. Actually, these cool, hot, dry, and moist genetic compositions exist in any place. In the same environment, eating the same food, there is always someone who is always ill and in generally poor health. Through the iris, we are able to analyze the genetic constitution of an individual and determine whether or not the climate in which they are living is suitable for their body. And, if we know the genetic constitution, then of course it is possible to prevent diseases and treat the patient, too.

Could you explain the method you use, from diagnosing iris issues to treatment?
For diseases that are not caused by the environment or emergencies, the principal causes are body constitution and stress. People respond to stress stimuli different depending on their nervous system reflexes or brain hormones. This also is strongly connected to body constitution. In short, if we can’t classify the body constitution type, then it is difficult to treat the patient’s disease precisely. So before anything else, and regardless of the disease at hand, an iris diagnosis should be conducted to confirm the constitution type, whether there are any hereditary weaknesses, or imbalances in the automatic nerve system along with stress response types. 
Next, we analyze the genetic elements, stress levels, automatic nerve system imbalances as found in the iris, and how much of a relationship there is to body constitution type. At the end of the day, the body and mind of a patient are most important, and we can see what needs to be eliminated in one glance. After this, local blood circulation and damage to the muscular automatic nerve system can be recovered through muscular meridian point acupuncture, and automatic nerve system imbalances and fluctuating imbalances to internal organ due to body constitution can be corrected with constitution acupuncture.
Finally, Korean prescription medicines can improve liver metabolism function with nutritional supplements, replenish endocrine hormones, improve blood circulation, replenish energy, and also eliminate built-up wastes and toxic chemicals, offer anti-aging effects, and treat chronic inflammation.
Especially, the treatment rate can be increased for troublesome skin disease, chronic inflammation such as autoimmune diseases, circulation issues, early vascular disease, imbalanced constitution of brain hormones that cause depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia, through understanding genetic constitution.

How do you prescribe medicines and herbal decoctions?
From decocting a variety of medicinal herbs all at once to extracting individually, we can control the concentration of the herbs to prescribe medicine suitable to treat certain diseases or symptoms(measured prescriptions). Also, dietary therapy suitable for each body type is important. After determining body constitution type through the iris diagnosis, prescribing herbal medicine should be combined with fruit and vegetable extracts as a supplement according to composition. The patient is not required to follow any other diet outside of this. Patients are given drinkable herbal decoctions to strengthen the body and pills (including powders) to prevent and treat symptoms and diseases. It’s killing two birds with one stone.

How effective are the treatments
To introduce a few memorable cases, I’ll start with one from 20 years ago when a nine-year-old boy came to me with severe headaches. He had already been to a university hospital for CT scans to figure out the cause to no avail. He was not given any treatment since the scans were clear.Through an iris diagnosis, we were able to see that he had some weak tissue in the brain that was causing the headaches and treated him with Korean medicinal treatment to strengthen the weak tissue. Now he is a school teacher and living a full and healthy life. Also, around ten years ago, there was one patient who was determined healthy by a university hospital, but through an iris diagnosis, we found that he was a high-risk angina patient. The patient went back for a thorough medical examination, which also showed that he was at risk for developing an angina, and he started treatment. Finally, there was a young man who had struggled with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease for over 10 years with no improvement of symptoms. Through a genetic constitution test, we found that he had a congenital defect in his large and small intestines.After that, he was cured with Korean medicinal treatment and we confirmed his cured state through a colonoscopy. 

How competitive is Korean Medicine, especially based on what you have experienced in the area of iris genetic constitutional treatment?

It is highly competitive in the areas from high blood pressure, diabetes, and other similar adult disease to chronic diseases, geriatric diseases, and treating autoimmune disease patients who rely on steroids for extended use. This is because Western medicine is seeing these diseases as organs or cellular damage and inflammation, and from this point of view, these diseases are hard to cure. “It is not just cell, but a whole system that becomes ill,” said the famous neural-immune studies scholar, Dr. Abo Toru. We have to understand the human body as a ‘system’.Understanding the fluctuations in internal organs from good to bad and understanding the whole system from the autonomic nerve system to the message-transmitting neurosecretions is what has long been done in Korean Medicine.

Iris genetic constitutional medicine is becoming more well known outside of Korea with medical experts. What is their reaction to it?
A few years ago three internal medicine specialists from Indonesia took a week-long clinical trial training course with me.I taught them about classification of constitution types via the iris, acupuncture for each constitution body type, and imbalance of brain hormones along with the proper drugs and patient management.I thought it would be too much to absorb in just one week, but after the first day of seeing me treat patients, they suggested that they set up their own iris constitution clinic in Indonesia. The Western doctors who experienced iris genetic constitutional medicine said they came to understand the importance of the patient’s hereditary constitutional body type, and how diseases are constitutionally related. After determining the body constitution, they were surprised at how accurately I could predict the patient’s reaction to acupuncture.

Do you have any plans to branch out overseas?
Thanks to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, global telemedicine has become a reality. There are already over 50 iris constitutional medicine experts who have become known in Korea. Beyond Korea, there is growing number of patients requesting iris diagnoses and disease treatment across Southeast Asia and China. Also, we are in talks with some business partners in America for a telemedicine enterprise. The heart of this service is a forthcoming disease prediction system that will make assertions about diseases through iris imaging, which is akin to DNA analysis.Although we haven’t developed a systematic self-analyzing system for iris scanning, some investors from Silicon Valley approached us for a meeting and we met to explain our ideas. Attention surrounding iris constitution has risen of late and promising results are soon to come in the near future.


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