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KM Conference Held under Theme ‘Health, Welfare, and People-oriented Medicine’

A program called “Korean Medicine Training” was held at the Pusan National University School of Korean Medicine from October 15 to October 24 and was attended by 13 invited high-ranking experts specializing in traditional medicine and medical care from 10 countries.

Among the attendees were government officials in administration, education, and standardization sectors of medical care and traditional medicine; university professors;
and association representatives hailing from the United States, Germany, Greece, Finland, Hungary, Ghana, Australia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and Saudi Arabia.
The program has offered a combination of lectures and facility visits for invited attendees each year since 2014 in efforts to raise awareness and boost the brand value of the superior quality of Korean Medicine among global experts.

This year in particular, the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the National Development Institute of Korean Medicine (NIKOM) put on this international conference under the theme of “Health, Welfare, and People-oriented Medicine” in conjunction with Pusan National University, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine (KIOM), and The Society of Korean Medicine.

Cases on integrative medicine from each country were presented at the forum and the attendees exchanged in-depth debate on the function of traditional medicine within the larger, people-centered medical system framework.
It is expected that in the future, there would be more opportunities for foreign experts to experience Korean Medicine by expanding training programs for clinicians.

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