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Asian Lacquer Tree Extract—New Era of Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

According to the national cancer registration statistics (2015) announced last year, pancreatic cancer is the eighth most commonly diagnosed form of cancer, and it is the fifth  highest cause of death.

The five-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is less than 10%, which is lower than other forms of cancer. The only definitive treatment for this illness is complete surgical resection, but only 20% of all pancreatic cancer patients qualify for the procedure.
On top of these grim figures, the five-year survival rate post surgery still settles around 18-24%. Now, there is a new treatment option emerging for pancreatic cancer.
Professor Yoon Seong Woo of Kyung Hee University College of Korean Medicine has revealed that Asian lacquer tree extract suppresses pancreatic cancer cell invasion and migration.
The study titled, “Allergen‑removed Rhus verniciflua Stokes suppresses invasion and migration of pancreatic cancer cells through downregulation of the JAK/STAT and SRC/FAK signaling pathways” was published in November issue of the high-impact academic journal Oncology Reports (IF: 2.976).
Traditionally, Asian lacquer tree extract is a Korean Medicine ingredient that has been widely used to treat cancer patients.

Based on this knowledge, the research team was prompted to prove the clinical efficacy of this ingredient. In Korean Medicine, Asian lacquer tree extract is referred to as geonchil, this element effectively slows the formation of hardened blood clots in the body by removing stagnated blood and abdominal mass.
Professor Yoon’s research team discovered that the allergen-removing Asian lacquer tree extract inhibits the expression of MUC4 (mucin4) and FAK (focal adhesion kinase) through the JAK-STAT signal mechanism,
which plays a crucial role in tumorigenesis, to prevent invasion and metastasis of pancreatic cancer cells.
MUC4 is a mucin protein that characteristically is over expressed in pancreatic cancer cases, promoting cancer growth and metastasis. The researchers first discovered the effective MUC4 inhibiting qualities of the allergen-removing Asian lacquer tree extract through this study.
Professor Yoon stated, “This study has shown that we can extend the survival period for cancer patients and treat cancer in a safe manner with natural supplementary anticancer treatments, like Asian lacquer tree extract.”
He articulated ambitions for the future, saying, “Moving forward, we will continue to research in hopes to improve quality of life for cancer patients and even beat cancer itself.”

With the successful results of this study, the research team will continue to develop Korean medicinal anticancer drug using natural ingredients such as Asian lacquer tree extract,
focusing on metadata for large scale isolation and quantification of the marker substance and pharmacological application, along with retrospective clinical results.

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