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Look! Korean Medicine Documentary Broadcasts

As part of the campaign to globalize Korean Medicine, the National Development Institute of Korean Medicine(NIKOM) teamed up with Arirang TV to produce a documentary and promotional spots on Korean Medicine.

The Korean Medicine documentary will air on the Arirang TV documentary program Arirang Prime, which reaches 130 million viewers in 106 countries worldwide.
The program is scheduled to air the documentary in two 30-minute episodes in December this year, titled “Korean Herbal Medicine” and “Korean Medicine Education.”
“Korean Herbal Medicine” features the history of herbal medicine, shows the natural herb cultivation process at a perilla frutescens farm in Jangheung, investigates the work at the Jangheung Branch’s Medicinal Crops Seed Supply Center and the Gyeongsan Headquarter’s Korean Medicine R&D team as well as New Korean Medicines Team.
The program also visits the Baekdudaegan Arboretum located in Bonghwa, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province to witness the native seed preservation process.

Additionally, viewers can see scenes from the Park Acupuncture Clinic in New York.
The “Education” episode visits the DonguiBogam Academy at University of Bridgeport, CT in the United States, and it also introduces Korea’s Korean Medicine education system in Kyung Hee University and Pusan National University.

One of the featured foreign doctors in the documentary completed training with the Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine education program, Mr. and Mrs. Nirmala are fascinated by Korean Medicine and now practice in Nepal.

The first Korean Medicine documentary series was filmed in 2017 and is available for viewing on the NIKOM website(http://www.nikom.or.kr/eng/media/movie_list.jsp) and YouTube(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ9IRFX4RRc).

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