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National Institute for Korean Medicine Development (NIKOM) Develops Acupuncture CBT Contents!

In its January issue of 2019, National Geographic posted a feature story on 'Korean Medicine,' a part of a series under the topic 'The Future of Medicine,' highly assessing the potentials that 'Traditional Korean Medicine' holds in the days to come.

According to National Geographic, the reason behind the anticipation to Korean Medicine is attributed to emergence of cases of illnesses in which Traditional Medicine has been able to cure, despite failed attempts by Western Medicine. Thus, the number of patients who have turned to Korean Medicine have been increasing, and this has brought about an upheaval in the realm of Western Medicine. The most noteworthy treatments that have caught the eyes of many are methods those such as "acupuncture, cupping, and decoction of medicinal herbs." 

The number of medical personnel worldwide (based on OECD standards) reaches up to about 4.29 million, and among them, about 300 thousand people are using acupuncture as treatment. In addition, as the demand for acupuncture worldwide is on the rise, the potential demand is higher than ever before, to the point where it is impossible for us to estimate. That is the demand for proper education on acupuncture is universal- not only local, but a global phenomenon. 

It is not too much to say that the basis of Traditional Medicine worldwide has its hegemonial roots in acupuncture. The core of acupuncture treatment is 'acupuncture points'. Once acupuncture points are located, the parts of where to apply acupuncture expands according to symptoms and diseases. With this simple principle in mind, we plan to promote Korean Medicine and its excellence to the world, and provide the basis for its entrance to the global market. 

Against this backdrop, the National Institute for Korean Medicine Development(NIKOM), have actively reflected the changing conditions in the ICT Converging Contents Technology and demand trends in the field of Korean Medicine industry. Accordingly, NIKOM have concluded that there is a need for Korean Medicine to nurture its new growth engine in ICT Converging Contents Industry. Therefore, Korean Medicine has been developing "Acupuncture CBT Contents" as a means of approaching the global market. 

The development of Acupuncture CBT Contents is a business that is developed as a means to effectively convey the principles of acupuncture to foreigners (acupuncturists, etc.). We plan to position ourselves on the frontiers of the market, and offer contents concerning Korean Medicine (starting from acupuncture, is expected to expand its areas to moxibustion, cupping, Chuna) that are easier, more accurate and fun than the contents that are already existent in the market. 

The "Acupuncture CBT Contents' that is under development is able to realize all acupuncture points (12 Meridians and Conception and Governor Vessels) and the learner can practice acupuncture directly. The contents are to commence in August of 2019, and shall be in the development stage until December, and is to open in January of 2020. 

(Program is under development)


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