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Join! K-Medicine workshop

Meet Traditional Korean Medicine in Modern Health Care!

Pusan National University and the National Development Institute of Korean Medicine (NIKOM) will hold a 10-day workshop titled Traditional Korean Medicine in Modern Health Care for healthcare professionals and public officials from different countries to present Korean Medicine as one of the most successful case in the traditional/complementary medicine industry.

This workshop includes lectures, visits to relevant facilities, and city tour. Renowned experts in the field of traditional Korean Medicine education, policy, and clinical practice are scheduled to give special lectures. Participants will also visit traditional Korean Medicine institutions, hospitals, local clinics, and medical museums. Finally, presentation sessions by country will introduce and open discussion on traditional/complementary medicine systems across the world.

Since 2014, 47 professionals from 24 different countries have participated in the workshop, and have particularly praised the well-organized program. The international network for traditional/complementary medicinal policy has grown significantly since the launching of this workshop.

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